time; hour; 《檆会》an opportunity; a chance; 《場合》a time; a case; an occasion; 《時代》time(s); an age; 《季節》a season; 《…する時》when; (間) while.??が絬つにつれて as time passes.??の絬つのを忘れる be unconscious of the passage of time.??を稼ぐ play for time.??をつくる 《鶏が》crow.??を打つ 《時計が》strike the hour.??を移さず immediately; right away.??を得た timely.??を選ばず at any time.?…の?は in time [case] of ((a fire)).??と場合によります that [it] depends.?ちょうどよい?に at the right moment.??の首相 the then prime minister.?は金なり time is money.?に遇(あ)えば鼠も虎になる even a silly person will have power when he gets to a high position((高位につけばつまらぬ者でも勢力を振るうようになること)).?は得難く失い易し a chance is hard to get but easy to slip away.?人を待たず time and tide wait for no man.時の記念日 time day.時の人 a man [woman] of the hour.
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